Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why my mind was blown this morning

I told you I was going to read this Jillian Michael's book and have more interesting things to share. I went to the Mexican place this morning for breakfast, and took it along to do a little reading.

She basically totally blew my mind with three little facts that I think are the opposite of what most people think.

1. Don't eat soy! I actually have learned this recently in my research about the thyroid. I think this is crazy because I think most people think soy is so good for you. But it is really not good for your thyroid. Fermented soy like miso is good, but other forms block the absorption of selenium which is vital to thyroid function. And because soy is so cheap, many processed foods are using soy as fillers now, which might point to why the increase in thyroid problems has been so drastic lately.

2. Don't eat flax seed! This really blew my mind. I thought flax was a miracle food. I LOVE my flax and fiber bread and also Trader Joe's flax seed tortilla chips. But flax seed contains exogenous estrogen, which in kind of dumbed down terms is "outside" estrogen. The imbalance of estrogen throws off your blood sugar and insulin levels. From what I am reading now, flax is recommended only in extreme moderation.

3. Don't eat your broccoli raw! Or any other cruciferous veggies like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, kale, bok choy, etc. This one really blew my mind because they always tell you that the best way to get the maximum nutrients from veggies is to eat them raw! But these veggies contain a chemical group that disrupts cell function in the thyroid. BUT this chemical group is also a cancer fighting antioxidant. If you cook the veggies, you lose most of the chemical group, but keep enough that it is beneficial without damaging the thyroid. Who knew? Fortunately, I prefer my veggies cooked! They also say if you already have thyroid problems, you should eat these types of veggies in moderation. Good to know because when I lived alone, I could easily eat broccoli every night for a week.

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