Monday, May 10, 2010

Daily Food - 5/10

OK, I will just start off by saying I am in an epically bad mood today.

Breakfast: Some of my leftover steel cut oats with raisins, sugar and cinnamon. Also some juice. I didn't actually eat the yogurt. That happens a lot with yogurt.

Lunch: I forgot a pic, but I had a leftover acorn squash with sausage and some rice pudding. Yum!

Snack: Yes, this is what it looks like. It's a burger from Hardee's. I ate it after work and that's really all I want to say about it.

Dinner: Finally got to make out beer can chicken. At this point I had a nap and felt a little better. But what really made me in a good mood is that this chicken looks like it had a big booty. And then I did the big chicken booty dance in the kitchen.

Cash gave me the WTF look.

Here is the whole plate - also had rice and green beans. The chicken was amazing - so moist. If you have never made a beer can chicken, I highly recommend it. It gets soo flavorful and juicy.

Dessert: I coerced Dave into letting me have the last bit of apple crisp.

The Good: Dinner was delicious and pretty much all good. Maybe too good because I probably ate too much. Actually my lunch and breakfast were good too.

The Bad: Bad mood + insatiable appetite today + Hardees = meh. The fact that all my other meals were good makes me more mad. This could have been a near perfect day but I couldn't stay out of the damn drive thru. It's almost like a sabotaged myself.

Alright, I am just going to get pissy again so I am off.

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