Breakfast: I love this picture because I think steel cut oats are heaven sent. I made a big pot so I can eat them all week. They reheat pretty well, surprisingly, and since they take almost 45 minutes to cook, I otherwise can't eat them during the week. I had this bowl with some raisins and a little sugar.
Snack: Had some more of our yummy Garden of Eatin' chips and salsa while I was waiting for Dave to get home.

Lunch: I call this Salad Detox. Sometimes I just crave a giant salad. It's like my body just needs to catch up on its veg intake. I thought we were going to have to drive to the ends of the earth to get this thing, though. We went to two different restaurants that have good salads, but since it is Mother's Day every place was packed. Then we went to one grocery store and their salad bar was closed on Sundays. Finally we ended up at Giant and got these big salads.

Dinner: Hotdogs, applesauce, and pickles. This looks like something a picky little kid would eat. But we have been trying to make beer can chicken ALL WEEKEND and it has been too windy to grill anything, which is a downright shame because I feel like everything made on the weekends from May - September should be cooked on the grill. So no beer can chicken, Dave wasn't hungry, so I came up with this.

The Good: Steel cut oats - so yummy. And planning ahead for the week by making a whole batch. Giant salad was good too. I was pretty pleased with it. When I hit a salad bar I always fill up with veg first, then add just a few higher calorie things that really add a lot of flavor - in this case it was feta and a little bacon and some egg.
The Bad: I am not going to beat myself up too bad about dinner. We planned - the plan didn't work, and we went through several back up plans, so hot dogs it is. I might keep some veggie burgers or something around though. Just a better option when I need a back up. Not beating myself up with dessert either. I don't bake much, and my portion wasn't crazy.
Ok, off to snuggle up and watch some TV or something in this cold weather. Back to work tomorrow. Almost through a whole week of this blog! I hope to add some more features this week!
sounds like a great day! don't take the hot dogs too hard, life happens! blog is great, keep it up!