I am really excited about this week. Lots of good stuff. And I made a key for my picture. haha.
1. Chicken legs
2. Cauliflower
3. Yes, that is CORN ON THE COB!!!
4. Ground Beef
5. Frosted Raisin Bread (It's a small one!)
6. 2 types of lettuce - Leaf and Boston
7. Pork Chops and Italian Sausage under there.
8. A Pumpkin Whoopie Pie
9. Radishes
10. Strawberries - (side note - I know a lot of people love strawberries, but this is the only time of the year I will eat them. I think greenhouse strawberries picked to early and trucked across the country taste gross. These are what strawberries should taste like!)
11. Turkey and Farmer's Cheese
12. Focaccia. I will talk about this later OHHH MYYYYY
13. Mushrooms
14. Farm Fresh Brown Eggs
15. Green peppers
16. Zucchini
17. Broccoli
18. Asparagus
19. Bacon
20. Eggplant
21. Sirloin Steak
All that for less than $75. And I really don't think we need to go to the store this week.
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