Breakfast: Made an ambrosial smoothie from yogurt, milk, frozen strawberries, pineapple, and peaches, and a little stevia. Also had some toast with a little farmer's market butter and jam that was divine.
Lunch: Had leftovers from last night - chicken and zucchini from the grill. Very palatable.
Snack: Had a few pretzels at school. Grabbed a grilled chicken sandwich and an iced coffee on the way home. (I am reading a new book that says you should eat every four hours - carbs and protein. So I am going to try it out. That means "snack" is really just a second lunch.)
Dinner: We had some veggie pizza with Dave's mom.
Dessert: A succulent Rita's orange water ice. I think it is my new favorite.
The Good: Lunch and the smoothie for breakfast. The grilled chicken was ok, veggie only on the pizza was a good choice, although that was Dave's choice.
The Bad: I didn't really need the toast for breakfast. I bread with the grilled chicken probably wasn't the best choice and I didn't need the iced coffee. I told Dave as we were going to his mom's that I should have grabbed the salad stuff we have here to go with the pizza. I could have made a homemade smoothie instead of the water ice when we got home.
Another note: Dave says I use the word "yummy" too much on here and I agree. It makes me sound like an idiot but usually by the time I write this in the evening my brain is fried. So I am trying out some new words. Personally, I like ambrosial the best so far. :-)
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