Friday, May 21, 2010

Daily Food - 5/21

Breakfast: I promise tomorrow's breakfast will be more interesting! Steel cut oats with brown sugar and walnuts and apricots. I also decided to make an iced coffee drink since it was so warm today, so I took some ice, leftover coffee, almond syrup, chocolate syrup, milk, and a little stevia and mixed it all together. mmmm
Lunch: Yes, miracle of miracles, there is actually a picture. Leftover sausage, peppers, and onions from last night, with a banana and PB.

Snack: Had a hefty snack today because we were planning for a late dinner. Stopped at Tropical Smoothie and got a yummy Chicken Cordon Bleu and a Strawberry Lemonade smoothie.

Dinner: Burgers! mmm! Dave mixes up the best combination. We had a little Farmer's cheese and some bacon on these.

We also had potato wedges and mushrooms on the grill. Oh, and Dave cooked up some garlic on the grill and it makes a nice paste if you mash it up, and I spread it on my bun. I already had some may, but next time I think I could forgo the mayo and just have that as my condiment. Also, see all that ketchup on my plate? Evil red HFCS. I have plans to make my own, but I am going to get myself a food processor first.

The Good: This might be one of my BEST days since I started this. The meat and veg for dinner and lunch were great, breakfast was great.

The Bad: Besides a few little things, like the chocolate syrup in the coffee, the roll and ketchup at dinner, the PB at lunch, I pretty much went all natural.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Beth,
    Joseph told me you had a food blog so I decided to check it out. Just got finished reading the whole thing and I couldn't support you more. I recently started writing all my food down in a journal and already I've missed 2 or 3 days, but after reading this, I'm going to pick it up and keep going with it. I did it because I know I wasn't eating enough vegetables and I wanted to hold myself accountable. But posting it on here takes way more guts. Good for you!

    Also, I wanted to offer an alternative to good ol' PBJ. Instead of the "J" you could fill your sandwich with sliced strawberries or bananas (or both). Also, you could roll it all up in tortilla, add any kind of chopped fruit, and it's a fruit burrito! Also try yogurt instead of PB.

    Keep it up!
