Breakfast: Ok, I am both ashamed and proud of myself here. There wasn't anything really appetizing to me in the house, and since we are in the middle of exams and I have most of the day free to work, I wanted to stop off and get a snack anyway. So yes, I grabbed junk for breakfast - this thing, a hostess cherry pie, and a big Turkey Hill iced coffee, which I think is mostly sugar. The proud part comes in when I took a big bite of this Oatmeal pie, which I have been craving ever since i bought it for my students, and it was disgusting. It left a gross film in my mouth. I think I am going to look for an oatmeal pie recipe, because they should not taste like THAT. After I ate that thing, I did NOT want the cherry pie. I think I am going to pass that along to the trash can tomorrow, or at least give it to one of my students.

Snack: Also munched on some Chex Mix while grading.

Dinner: This was fantastic! I am going to post a recipe. This is a Coconut Shrimp curry that I make, and it was particularly good tonight for some reason.
The good: dinner was good. I am proud of my afterthought with breakfast even if I wasn't happy with my forethought. For take out, lunch was a good choice. Tropical smoothie does a good job with natural stuff.
The bad: Picking up the breakfast stuff even though I was yelling at myself in my head the whole time to put it back. Need a better snack than chex mix.
That dinner looks awesome. I can't wait to try the recipe. When you stay away from the super-processed stuff for a time - the "convenient" foods - your body just naturally tells you YUCK!